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The band is currently under the baton of our Band Directors, Mr Benny Goh and Mr Stanley Sim. Teachers-In-Charge Mdm Pang Mdm Syarifah Ms Yuen Executive Exco(s) 2011-2012 Band Major: Ragani Assistant Band Major: Melanie Drill Instructor: Arun Assistant Drill Instructor: - Secretary: Joel Student Conductor: Melanie
SYF 2003 - Bronze SYF 2005 - Silver NBC 2006 - Gold SYF 2007 - Bronze SYF 2009 - Bronze SYF 2011 - COP Past Events since mid 2008 *Oversea Band Exchange @Thailand - 13th to 18th Jun 2008 *Passing Out Parade - 21st Jun 2008 *2nd National Band Competition 2008 - 13th Jul 2008 *NDP - 8th Aug 2008 *Sec 1 Exchange @Regent - 6th Sept 2008 *DPM Mr Wong Kang Seng visit - 3rd Jan 2009 *Sec 1 CCA Orientation - 2009 *SYF 2009 - 30th Mar 2009 *Speech Day Concert Performance - 3rd Apr 2009 *Skip all the way early Jan 2012* *Chinese New Year Performance *Speech Day Concert Performance
☆ Photos,
Thailand Trip 13-18 June 2008 By Mr Rick Lee, 3 Jan 2009 CCA Orientation, 7 Jan 2009 Sec 1 Orientation 2009 DPM Visit 2009 SYF 2009 Speech Day 2009 CNY Performance 2010
Bedok North Symphonic Band Hougang Symphonic Band OBOG Wind Symphony Pei Cai Military Band Peirce Symphonic Band Regent Wind Symphony Shuqun Symphonic Winds FTP.Clarinetists FTP.Saxophonists FTP.Trumpeters REGENT.Flautist REGENT.Tubist REGENT.Trumpeters PEIRCE.Trumpeters PEIRCE.Flautist PEIRCE.Saxophonist PEIRCE.Clarinetist HOUGANG.Clarinetist HOUGANG.Trumpeteres HOUGANG.F.Hornist BNSS.Clarinetist BNSS.OBBC BNSS.Saxophonist BNSS.Trumpeters BNSS.F.Hornist PEICAI.Trumpeters Aloysius ChingYing DanFeng Elizabeth Fiona Grace Jeralyn Mefline Melanie Mitchell Nazira Patrina Perry Russell Stephanie Serene ThaiJin William Yizhen Zul
August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 June 2010 April 2011 February 2012 March 2012 |
Monday, March 30, 2009
GOOD JOB FTPBand !!! We have attained a Bronze award for SYF 09. We have managed to maintained a Bronze from SYF 07 which is good. Think back. When we were on stage this morning, it wasn't too bad at all. It was decent. You know it. Like Ms Loh, Mdm Aini, teachers and alumni commented, it was a good performance overall for a small band like us. Really. Considering the fact we decided to participate for SYF at the last minute. Considering the fact we only started practicing in February. Considering the fact there were only 30 of us up there on stage. Considering the fact we were the first Band to perform. We stayed calm and collected and still managed to put up a fight. Getting a Bronze is not the end of the world, so is making a mistake. Made a mistake today? Put it behind, get over it. We still have speech day to perform our very, very best. Save the best for last right? If your friends give you negative comments tomorrow somehow, take it with a pinch of salt. Be proud of the Band, be proud of your efforts, be proud of yourself. Don't let anything affect your spirits. Pick yourselves up, move on as one Band. Getting a Bronze, Silver or Gold is just a bonus. It's the experience and the process which you gain, that is important at the same time, priceless. The time spent with your own sections, instruments, the Band. That is something that can't be taken away from you. Treasure it. We can do it this Friday. Time to show everyone what we are capable of. FTPBand, a job well done! WE CAN, WE WILL! "Sometimes its not about the result, it's about the process." Thank You's: Ms Loh: For your time and care in leading FTPBand to SYF 09. For all you have taught us be it music or life skills. Hope we have made your first SYF a memorable one! Mdm Aini: For giving FTPBand the opportunity to play for SYF 09. Teachers: For your time in opening the Band room almost everyday, having to stay back with us. All Alumni: For coming back to help out with our music or one way or another. On behalf of FTPBand, thank you all for your constant support and belief in us.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
ANTICIPATE PRECISION FOCUS CONCENTRATION Visualise how tomorrow will be, ANTICIPATE what will happen & be mentally prepared for the worst that may happen on stage. Noise from the audience, music breakdown, nervousness takes place within you. CONCENTRATION is needed. Anything goes. Mental visualisation is most important now. However, stay calm, FOCUS. Look at Ms Loh at all times, she will assure you. Glance at your score, not look, not stare. Have confidence when you play, aim for precision, no room for errors. I'm sure we can do it. WE CAN, WE WILL
LESS THAN 13 HOURS TO PERFORMANCE TIME!!! Our time has come, to perform and shine as One individual, One Band. We've come a long way, given the various and numerous difficulties and constraints we faced, as One Band, during our preparations up to today. We've solved it, tomorrow we show it. Show everyone we have the ability to rise to the occasion, the time when each and every single one of you are needed most. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, BELIEVE IN YOUR SECTION MEMBERS, BELIEVE IN THE BAND. Only tears of joy should be shed, and not regrets. Enjoy this experience you are given. Enjoy the music, enjoy your hard-work and effort being put in over the span of the past few months. Enjoy each other's company. All on one stage. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME, COME WHAT MAY, WE ARE ONE, FTPBAND ; ONE, FAMILY NOW GO OUT THERE AND PROVE SOMETHING! " We, FTPBAND may be small, but we will not fall."
Saturday, March 28, 2009
FTP BAND ! 2 MORE DAYS TO SYF ! Don't need us to say too much ! Keep practising . ;D
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
5 days to competition. Band No. 1 : FIRST TOA PAYOH need we say more?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
8 DAYS t0 3oth march Band No.1? FIRST TOA PAYOH of course! PANIC? NO WAY! We've come this far, Band. Don't let all you've learnt and practiced go to waste. REMEMBER AND APPLY. Please take your fruits, as Ms Loh said, PAPAYA'S! Also, consume H2O. Alot of it. At least 10 1.5L bottles of water till 3oth march. Do not go and do dangerous activities, wheelchairs not allowed on stage. :) During your level camp, please DO NOT go all out. Consume your energy, you'll need it. Practice your instruments as well as level camp will be taking up alot of your practice time. So please do the necessary. No time to waste. Also, be reminded that Monday, 23rd March, there is official practice, 2.30-5. And Tuesday, speech day full rehearsal. WE CAN, WE WILL! "1 is but a number. It's up to us to turn it into a magical number."
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ms haymini
Friday, March 20, 2009
Late Birthday wishes ! Jeralyn : 28 January Mr Lim : 18 Febuary Adnan : 20 Febuary Mickey : 9 March Happy belated birthday guys ! & Happy ADVANCE birthday ! Shining : 26 March Im not sure when Miss Pang birthday is but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! ;D Goodbye Miss Haymini ! We hope you will still come back to visit us ! Don't worry , we have faith in ourselves for SYF . We promise to work hard and we won't let you down ! And when you do come back and visit , we will welcome you with open arms ! Do take care , Miss Haymini . We will miss youuuuu ! Band Dudes . 10 more days to SYF . Scared or not ? How about today's exchange ? Scared ? Im sure everyone was scared . But , did we give up ? No we didn't . This shows that we can do it ! There is still room for improvement . Do have remember to have a date with your instruments and practise ! And also , rest well for the practises left till SYF . We don't have much time , but we have a long future ahead of us . When we say "WE CAN , WE WILL" , show everyone we mean it . JIAYOU ! "Everyone is unique with their own talent . A talent will always remain a talent unless acted upon to become an achivement ." - 2E2 2009 . "WE CAN , WE WILL"
Thursday, March 19, 2009
FTP BAND ! 11 more days to SYF ! Im sure we can do it if we try harder ! If we get gold , we might turn out to become the first band in SYF history to get gold for being the very first band playing for SYF . Then we will be First in EVERYTHING ! Do work hard for tomorrow's Exchange in Hougang . Im sure we will do VERY VERY well and make Miss Loh proud . Tomorrow's attire , STIRCTLY Blue band tee , school bottoms , white socks and shoes . Please do not run around the school compound and stay together as a BAND . Report to the band room at 7.30 am SHARP . People who are going to Hougang on your own , please reach there at 8 SHARP . WE CAN AND WE WILL . ;D
Monday, March 16, 2009
14 MORE DAYS TO SYF no time to waste!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
30th March, Day 1 Band No. 1: First Toa Payoh Secondary School Can we get any luckier? So, as you know, we will be the FIRST Band to play for SYF 09'. Yes, wow. Feel the pressure? We better do. Ms Loh, Alumni, Seniors, can teach you to a certain extent. You have to do your own part. Remember what they have thought, techniques, methods. Just don't put them to waste. Don't waste time talking stuff unrelated to SYF, walking slowly to your sectional areas. Spend your time wisely, manage it, take control. Only 26 days away, no time to waste. Every second gone, is another second closer to SYF. We chose as a Band to go, we go all the way. No stopping. Go. Believe in yourself. 1 Member, " I Can, I Will." FTP BAND, " We Can, We Will." "God only help those who help themselves." |