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The band is currently under the baton of our Band Directors, Mr Benny Goh and Mr Stanley Sim. Teachers-In-Charge Mdm Pang Mdm Syarifah Ms Yuen Executive Exco(s) 2011-2012 Band Major: Ragani Assistant Band Major: Melanie Drill Instructor: Arun Assistant Drill Instructor: - Secretary: Joel Student Conductor: Melanie
SYF 2003 - Bronze SYF 2005 - Silver NBC 2006 - Gold SYF 2007 - Bronze SYF 2009 - Bronze SYF 2011 - COP Past Events since mid 2008 *Oversea Band Exchange @Thailand - 13th to 18th Jun 2008 *Passing Out Parade - 21st Jun 2008 *2nd National Band Competition 2008 - 13th Jul 2008 *NDP - 8th Aug 2008 *Sec 1 Exchange @Regent - 6th Sept 2008 *DPM Mr Wong Kang Seng visit - 3rd Jan 2009 *Sec 1 CCA Orientation - 2009 *SYF 2009 - 30th Mar 2009 *Speech Day Concert Performance - 3rd Apr 2009 *Skip all the way early Jan 2012* *Chinese New Year Performance *Speech Day Concert Performance
☆ Photos,
Thailand Trip 13-18 June 2008 By Mr Rick Lee, 3 Jan 2009 CCA Orientation, 7 Jan 2009 Sec 1 Orientation 2009 DPM Visit 2009 SYF 2009 Speech Day 2009 CNY Performance 2010
Bedok North Symphonic Band Hougang Symphonic Band OBOG Wind Symphony Pei Cai Military Band Peirce Symphonic Band Regent Wind Symphony Shuqun Symphonic Winds FTP.Clarinetists FTP.Saxophonists FTP.Trumpeters REGENT.Flautist REGENT.Tubist REGENT.Trumpeters PEIRCE.Trumpeters PEIRCE.Flautist PEIRCE.Saxophonist PEIRCE.Clarinetist HOUGANG.Clarinetist HOUGANG.Trumpeteres HOUGANG.F.Hornist BNSS.Clarinetist BNSS.OBBC BNSS.Saxophonist BNSS.Trumpeters BNSS.F.Hornist PEICAI.Trumpeters Aloysius ChingYing DanFeng Elizabeth Fiona Grace Jeralyn Mefline Melanie Mitchell Nazira Patrina Perry Russell Stephanie Serene ThaiJin William Yizhen Zul
August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 November 2009 December 2009 June 2010 April 2011 February 2012 March 2012 |
Monday, April 30, 2007
ok. just want to remind people here. according to ms tien, Farhanah Mickey Kenneth Tessa Dan Feng Syakilla your forms are not handed in yet. please pass it to ms tien on WEDNESDAY,2/5!! don't drag anymore! teachers have to do alot of work. spare a thought for them. as for the money,pass it to ms tien. and the syf photos,i have to submit to ms zaihana the money already. so those who wants it but have not pay,come and look for me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! the deadline is this friday;4/5 thanks. and study hard! ThaiJin
Sunday, April 29, 2007
BAND~! URGENT here. i know it's too late to post here already. BUT i hope u all will notice yeahs. firstly.. PEOPLE GOING FOR TETRA! pls had over your consent forms to THAIJIN so that she can give it to ms zaihana asap. If you really cannot find her,pls go and look for syakilla or shivam. NO delays! i want it TOMORROW!! ThaiJin
Friday, April 27, 2007
HEY BAND. Yep reminders time. :) 1. Some of you have not paid for the BAND TEE. We cannot owe the shirt-maker money any longer le! Dont make the treasurer's job difficult,if you have problems paying it,you may discuss with the teachers ok~ =DD 2. Tetra people~ Your cash and forms. To TJ BY Monday. She is not supposed to go around finding you all ok? You all are supposed to find her. So,by monday. 3. Exams next Monday. Starting with english paper~ Everyone please dont fall sick while revising during the weekend. The weather nowadays,keep on raining. So must keep warm. XDD 4. Dont neglect your instrument ok? Revise until buay ta han,then go practice for awhile also can~ Wheee~ -pardon me for today's broken english. =(((-
Thursday, April 26, 2007
o__o hehe!
Yo band~~~ Ok... Mr Lim wants you all to keep in touch with your instruments =D So for people who's instruments are at home,do not leave it aside. Play! Practice~ Mr Lim gave us homework right? It's etude 1 to 15 in case you dont know. And for people who's instruments are in school,you all can go forward to the teachers and ask for the keys to the band room tooo! And continue tagging! Dont let Shivam and Wenting be the only two actively tagging. TAG! Especially the sec1s uh~ Come to this blog more often ok~ *pokepoke* Tetra campers,please hand in both the form and the cash to Thai Jin tomorrow ok? I hope it's not too late now because i was unable to use the computer last night T__T And please continue memorising the scores. We have to go the camp prepared right? So please practice,i know it's around the examination period,but 15minutes to 30minutes daily or every one or two days should be ok!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Hi band =DDD Its me again XDDD Forum - http://www.createforum.com/ftpband/ Website - http://www.ftpssband.mfbiz.com There's the link for both the forum and the website. Please be active in the forum ok? As Shivam said,it's for our discussion. And other people from other schools and alumini are welcome to join the forum too. The band website is still under construction but please do give some suggestions on to make it better. (Yep,MYE coming so i think i need time~) Till then,TATA =D Jiayou for MYE~ XD
Sunday, April 22, 2007
for librarians
Ok,now i realise that i'm updating everyday o____o Message By Christine for all SLs and section librarians. (please spread around) ALL SLs are to come to the band room on the 24th April -tuesday- at around 3pm. Please ask your section librarian to come too. You're coming to..... 1. Check and search for the score 'In the winter of 1730' (it might be in the section cupboard yea~) 2. Confirm that there are enough for all of your members (including juniors) 3. Inform Christine how many scores you need. Section Librarians. Flute - Hui Xuan Clarinet - Yee Xin/Wensi Sax - Farhanah Trums - Dan Feng Horn - Zhong Yi Trombone - Nattaporn Eupho - Stephanie Tuba - Syakilla Percussion - Brandon/Tessa Please spread about. BTW - Brandon says that the SAJC concert tickets are still available. Please get to him latest by wednesday. *please scroll down for his hp no.*
change of layout
Hey band! I've decided to change the layout,since you all must be bored seeing the previous layout for some time already. For now, featuring.... Music is our painkiller =D Please add www.friendster.com/ftpband XDD Thankies~ And please keep tagging. Good night everyone.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Hey!! SAJC Concert Band( st andrew's ) presents ' Bach to the Beat '. Date:28th April, Sat. Time: 7.30pm Venue: SCH. Price: $12. If intetested,send an emailt o Brandon at busteddon@hotmail.com or call him at 90211341. Latest by tomorrow 3pm. Thanks~!
in the winterrr~
Ok band,now i'm posting on Christine,our head librarian's behalf =D (if i continue posting,i think hiatus no more le hor? xDD) Instructions from Christine~ TO ALL SLs~ Please check if your section (including juniors) have 'In The Winter of 1730''s score~ Miss Low wants it!!! Then tell Christine whether you have the scores or not. If you/your members dont have,please tell her which part you need. Thanks alot for your co-operation.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Ok band,this is to keep you upated with our updates =D Here goes~ Probational Committee- April 2007-June 2007 Band Major: ThaiJin Assitant Band Majors: Syakilla,Shivam Student Conductor: Shivam Assistant: Brandon Drills Instructor: Shivam Assistant: Mefline Secretary: Mefline Assistant: Chuen Hui Treasurer: Hui Mei Assistant: Kenneth Quarter Master for Instruments: Christina Assistant: Zul Quarter Master for Accessories: Hui Sian Assistant: Hui Xuan,Tessa Chief Librarians: Christine Assistant: Yee Xin Wardrobe Masters: Hidayah Assistant: Eric Welfare Manager: Serene Assistant: Zhong Yi Web Manager: Serene Archives Manager: Yani Special Projects Coordinator: Dan Feng, Xin Yun Sports and Games: Kenneth Assistant: Zul Section Leaders: Clarinet: Yee Xin Assistant: Wen Si Flute: Hui Mei Assistant: Hui Xuan Saxophone: ThaiJin Assistant: Farhanah French Horn: Zhong Yi Trumpet: Shivam Assistant: Kenneth Trombone: Chuen Hui Assistant: Zul Euphonium: Sherman Tuba: Syakilla Percussion: Brandon Assistant: Tessa Tetra Campers 2007 1) ThaiJin 2)Syakilla 3)Shivam 4)Brandon 5)Mefline 6)Chuen Hui 7)Hui Mei 8)Kenneth 9)Christina 10)Tessa 11)Christine 12)Yee Xin 13)Hidayah 14)Eric 15)Serene 16)Zhong Yi 17)Dan Feng Stand-by: 1)Hui Xuan 2)Zul 3)Yani 4)Xin Yun Band members. practice on your marches. Tetra people, memorise the scores that were already given out. -Pomp and Circumstance bar 71 to 143 -Thunderer -Salute (Bedok North/Regent's version) -Longest day from starting until 1 bar before J. so practise HARD and MEMORISE YOUS SCORES ASAP!!!! Librarians,give out the new scores after printed out! as soon as possible!!! Sec1s-Sec5s mrlim gave us homework!! practise tone and technique Etude 1 to 15!!!! It would be due after MYE!~~~~ work hard sec1s!!! and we welcome our seniors back!!! with open arms!!! x) ThaiJin Ok words from the webmaster now. Please practice hard even thorough there is no band practise,instruments at home right? So there's no reason why you can't practice =D Tetra people,JIAYOU~ Everyone please work hard for your MYE,strike a BALANCE! Neglect studies nor band. I'll try to update even if this web is on hiatus. I am working on the website already,i need the time to make it perfect x)) Thanks~
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Ok band! Check out this video~ http://youtube.com/watch?v=-gsqx4yFh3Y It's Parris Island Marine Band playing the thunderer!! Woo we should be doing something like this during Tetra right? XDD I dont have much to share but i'll be working on the offical site of the band so i'll put this band blog on hiatus. But still,Keep Tagging~ But remember,no quarrelling and unpleasant comments in the tagbox or you would be bend from tagging~ (i know your IP address ok!!!) =DD Till then,Tataaaa~
Friday, April 13, 2007
post blog~ LOL!
![]() YEA! Dont complain i never upload photo ok! XD Here's one! This was taken on 11th April 2007 =DD Band,although we got a bronze,we believed we have done our best. =D We all learn together! And we sure learnt alot of things right? =) Lets all continue to jia you (add oil) together bah~ Hehehehe! Back to coping with studies ok? Mid-years on the way! Do your best uh~ -I feel like putting the blog on hiatus then i can go concentrate on making a WEBSITE inside. But i sure need ALOT of help from you people,I'm not good at webs. So,help me make a decision?- And,congrats to every band which had performed ok? The bands who are still practicing,do your best! Jia youuuu~ -serene.-
Sunday, April 08, 2007
2 MORE DAYS LEFT TO SYF`07 Tomorrow we'll be having our last band prac before syf07! please do turn up for tomorrow's band practice and stay focus till syf. Dont get yourself injuried or into any trouble please.. Every single one of u in the band counts. Yesterday's exchange was awesome. I should say its the best performance by our band among all the exchanges we played. THREE CHEERS :D so BAND please continue to work hard and also please dont neglect your studies :) Bye! -aloysius |